To my country, to family, to the youth of Laos and to the memory of my friends Dr.Tom Dooley for a neutral and independent Laos, for understanding and recnciliation among all Laos.This page is an account of events that have weighed heavily on the destiny of my country since 1945 events I have personally lived through for 16 years now. the kingdom of Laos has experienced insecurity and war,yet international public opinion has never been clearly informed about the nature of the struggle going on, the fight of the people of the kingdom of the Million Elephants aginst aggression by the Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam. These trnsgressions started under the cover of a so-call "Liberation" of the countries of former French Indochina and were later carried on in the name an ideological crusade Concentrathing especially on the time since the Geneva Conference of July 1954, I have attempted to relatte these events and to analyze them without prejudice or passion, despite my personal involvement (sometimes on the spot, sometimes from a distance) When His Excellency Katay Don Sasorith was Prime Minister, I was his Directeur de Cabinet and repesentaive of the Royal Government to the International Control Commission. I have served His Highness Price Souvanna Phouma as Secretary General of the Council of Ministers. In the government of His excellency Phoui Sananikone I was Minister for Information and Youth. I look part in all talks and negotiations with the leaders of the Pather Lao from the time contact was first made at Plainedes Jarres in January, 1955, up to Conference of Vietiane in Augst, 1956, and was present at the meeing of Katay Don sasorith with Price Souphannouvong at Rangoon. myain is not justify the policiecs of any one man who has come to power since Laos become independent. but toshow the various stges of what I can only call the advance of international Communism on its road to the conquest of Southeast Asia.and I want to point out the Geniva, wedged between two antagonistic camps in a zone of tension and pressures.It is my fervent hope that those Lao who have gone astray will soon rejoin our community so that together we may build a united laos, neutral and in dependent.
As I write these lines, the die is not yet cast, but it seeme justified to say that there is some hope, thanks to the ceaseless efforsts of Great Britain to negotiate with the Russians since January,1961. Invitation for an enlarged Geneva Conference in which 14 nations are to take part and which is to begin on May 12,1961, have gone out at the same time that a cease-firse is beging negotiated. But has the time really come when one can have fruiful discussions with those who are willing to sacrifice the Kingdom to their own ideologies? A great many problems will have to be solved before the proposed date of the confence: An effective control woul have to be set up fot the cessation of hostilities, and a government would have to be formed,one based on national unity,capable of representing the interests of the coutry at Geveva. The question befor us is clear: will Laos advance along the road to independence and the much-yearned-for neutrality,or will it be sacrifced to appeasement?
Story by: Sisouk Na Champassak May, 1961
Page writed by: Malaysone Sisomphou Jun. 03.1998 at the time 9:30pm
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