**Welcome to Malaysone Laos history**
1893 | France assumes control Over kingdom of Laos |
1940 | France surrenders to Nazi Germany.Japan takes control of French Indochina, in luding Laos |
1945 | Lao King, nuder pressure. issues proclamation joining Laos to Japan's Co-prosperity Sphere. Presdent Roosevelt dies.Truman becomes President.Ho Chi Minh proclaims Democratic Republic of Vietnam in september. Free Lao movement forms Lao issara, promoting total independence from France. |
1946 | Nationalist Chinese,sent to disarm Japanese,withdraw.French reoccupation troops enter Laos in March. in August Vie Minh establishes Resistance Committee of Eastern Laos in Hmong homelands. |
1947 | Laos become independent state within the French Union.in December George Kennan,U.S.State Department,publishes his theory on"containment of communism"which becomes U.S.policy |
1949 | Laos becomes member of United Nations. |
1950 | In June North Korea invades South Korea.U.S.troops sent to Korea under U.N.policy |
1952 | Dwight D. Eisenhower elected President. |
1953 | Viet Minh invade Hmong homelands in northern Laos.Korea War ends in July. Korea remains divded at 38th parallel.France grants full independence to Kingdom of Laos as member of French Union. |
1954 | Viet Minh siege of French at Dien Bien Phu begins January Dien Bien phu falls in early May. Geneva Conference establishes cease-fire between France and Ho'sViet Minh, divides North and South Vietnam at 17th parallel and establishes Laos as a neutral, sovereign state. |
1955 | U.S. military advisors provide covert training to Lao Army through Program Evaluation Office (PEO) |
1960 | April election oust coalition government of Souvanna Phouma and bring in pro-American,anticommunist government In August U.S.-traied Kong Lere overthrows American backed government, returning power to Souvanna Phouma.in October,Soviets announce aid to Souvanna Phouma's government .John Kennedy elected President. |
1961 | Khrushchev delares Soviet support for wars of nayional liberation.Geneva Conference on Laos opens in May under false assumption that acease-fire is in place. |
1962 | In July Geneva Accords reaffirm Laos as a neutral state and prohibit foreign bases and troops. North Vietnam, denying it has troops in Laos, does not withdraw its soldiers. |
1963 | In November South Vietnamese Premier Diem and U.S President Kennedy assassinated. Lyndon Johnson becomes President. |
1964 | North Vietnamese and Pathet Lao occupy Plaine des Jarres. China explodes first atomic bomb. Khrushchev ousted.Replaced by Brezhnev and Kosyin. |
1965 | Mao Tse-tung begins Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.at Udorn Air Base in Thailand U.S.2nd Air Division/13th Air Force activeated to provide air support in the secret fight for Laos. |
1967 | U.S. Installs top-secret equipment atop Phou Pha Thi in Laos to provide 24-hour all-weather precision bombing against targets in northern Laos and North Vietnam. |
1968 | North Koreans capture USS pueblo. On January 31, North Vietnamese General Giap launches Tet Offensive throughout South Vietnam. Khe Sanh,U.S. Marine base.in northern South Vietnam under siege.Johnson announces he will not seek re-election. Richard Nixon elected President of U.S. |
1969 | In June Nixon announces troop withdrawal from South Vietnam in September. Ho Chi Minh dies.in October. Senator Stuart Symington conducts secret hearings on Laos. Senator william fulbright reveals CIA runs military operation in Laos. |
1970 | In February B-52 bombers used for first time in northern Laos and Henry Kissinger begins U.S. secret talks with North Vietnamese in Paris In March, Nixon acknowledges U.S.involvement in Laos. In Cambodia, Prince Sihanouk overthown by General Lon Nol. |
1971 | In June U.S. Senate passes Mansfield amendment, calling on president to withdraw all forces from Southeast Asia within nine months providing Hanoi releases American POWs. in December North Vietnam launches massive attack against Hmong base in northern Laos. |
1972 | Nixon visits People's Republic of China. Nixon signs Biological and Toxin Convention banning such weapons. Nixon reeleted. |
1973 | January 27.cease-fire agreements signed in Paris. The Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam takes effect.in February, Royal Lao government signs Agreement on the Restoration of Peace and Reconciliation in Lao, In November Congrss passes War Powers Act, rendering presidentil retalition for violation of peace treaties impossible. |
1974 | In June last Air America Plane and last U.S. military personnel leave Laos.President Nixon resigns as result of Wategate scandal replaced by Gerald Ford. |
1975 | In January U.S. ratifies Biological and Toxin Convention.in the same month, North Vietnam launches offensive against South Vietnam.Ford's request for military equipment for South Vietnam denied by Congress.Soviet Union ratifies Biological and Toxin Convention.North Vietnamese Army ( NVA ) and Pathet Lao capture Royal Lao position In May Cambodia falls to Pol's communist Khmer Rouge.Last U.S evacuation helicopter leaves U.S. Embassy in Saigon as South Vietnam falls to communist to Thailand, thousande of Hmong left behind Pathet Lao publicly announce plans to wipe out Hmong.in June S.S.Air Force deactivated in Thailand. in July former senior Royal Lao civilians and military rounded up for "seminar"(concentration)camps.Lao lutionary Party takes Power. Monarchy abolished>Laos becomes communist stae Known as the Lao People's Democratic Republic (LPDR) |
1976 | LDPR forces and People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) use chemical-biological toxin warfare against Hmong in Loas. Lao royal family arrested and imprisoned in 'seminar' camps.Jimmy Garter defeats Gerald Ford in presinential elections. |
1977 | In march, carter administration begins talks with Vietnamese to explore U.S. recognition of communist Vietnam Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the Lao People Democratic Republic and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam reaffirms commitment to Marxism-Leninism and provides legal basis for extensive Vietnamese involvement in Laos. |
1978 | This page will be more of Laos history in my next update |