4The Menumkong River4

mekongriver.GIF (60970 bytes) The Menumkong, Asia's fifth-longest river,is know by many names. in the highlands of Xizang (Tbet) it is called Za Qu. In China, it is know as Lancang Jiang,in Vietnam,as Tien Giang.Menumkong.its most common name, comes from the thai   and laosexpression mae (meaning river)and khong(the laos name for  the menumkong)by whatever name. this great river has played an important role in the lives of Southeast Asia's people since earliest times.Millions of Lao,Thai.Cambodians and Vietnamese depend on water from the Menumkong to grow the rice that sustains them.In addition, the river serves as an important avenue of trade and communication.