OFFICIAL: | Laos People'sDemocratic Republic |
NATIONALITY: | Laos or Laotian (S) |
CAPITAL: | Vientiane |
LACATION: | Southeast Asia.Boundaries-China,Vietnam,Cambodia,Thailand,Myanmar. |
AREA: | 91,429 sq.mi(236,800sq.km.). |
PHYSICAL FEATURES: | Highest point-Phu Bia (9,250 ft 2,820m.).Lowest point-549 ft.(181 m.) Chief river-Mekong |
POPULATION: | 4,022,000 (1990, annual growth 2.2% ) |
MAJOR LANDGUAGES: | Lao (Official) French, English |
MAJOR RELIGIONS: | Buddhism,animism |
GOVERNMENT: | Communist republic.Head of state-president.Head of government-prime minister. Legislature-national congress.Internatuonal cooperation-United Nations, Colombo Plan. |
CHIEF CITIES: | Vientiane, Savannakhet,Luan Prabang. |
ECONOMY: | Chief minerals-Tin and rock salt are gold,gypsum,lead,sulfur,coal,Chief agricultural producls-Rice,corn,tobacco,coffee,cotton,citrus fruits. |
INDUSTRIES AND PRODUCTS: | Tin mining, teak, bamboo,siljweaving,pottery,leathercraft,silverwork.Chief exports-Food,live animals,coffee,tea cocoa,spices,crudematerials,cork,wood.Chief impots-motor vehiles,tractors,bicycles,machinery,electrical equipment,cotton,steel,other metals. |
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